
Showing posts from November, 2020

Fancy Clean Desk Space with White Concrete

I am now on Instagram! Follow me at I designed a fancy looking desk space for doing work out of iron trap doors and white concrete. It looks very modern, but can be a bit too plain until it's decorated with potted plants and lights. Try customizing this build with other colours of concrete! The lanterns can also be replaced with soul lanterns to give it a more mystical feeling.  One decoration that might work well here would be to place a lectern or enchanting table in the middle of the table behind the chair. It could give the desk more of a functional purpose.  As usual, let me know how your build turns out :)

Spruce Trapdoor Kitchen

A modern kitchen design made with spruce trap doors, furnaces, hoppers and iron trapdoors. The spruce gives the kitchen a very rural look, like something out of a cottage. The appliances in this design include a fridge, ovens, stovetops, and a sink.  Try customizing this build with new appliances and different trap door styles! It might also be worth your time to replace the furnaces with blast furnaces for ores or smokers for food. I would honestly go for the smokers because this is a kitchen after all. As usual, let me know how your build turns out :)